Title: Maimi's Cold Kiss
Pairing: Takaki YuyaXYajima Maimi
Genre: Fan fiction, Romance
Rating: GP
MAIMI: Where’s that Takaki?! I’ve been waiting for hours! Is he planning to make me wait until midnight?!
As impatience started to dominate on Maimi, she decided to leave. As she was about to open the door, Takaki opened it just in time. As she stared at him, she kept a face that Takaki usually sees whenever he’s late.
TAKAKI: *huffs* Sorry I’m late
MAIMI: Sorry? That’s all??? I waited for hours and that’s all you can come up with? Hmph! *rolls eyes*
TAKAKI: Come on. You knew the band had to practice for prom.
Maimi shook Takaki off and ran down the stairs. He ran after her and called her name a number of times, yet she didn’t stop. Finally, Takaki managed to reach her and stop her from running away.
TAKAKI: Maimi–
MAIMI: If you knew you would be running late then why did you ask me to wait for you that early? You could’ve just told me what time you would finish so I wouldn’t have to wait. Did I ever make you wait?
MAIMI: Well then why? You always make me wait for hours but you never heard me say I hate you for that. Don’t you care about me anymore?
TAKAKI: I do. I just–
MAIM: If you do, why do you keep doing these things to me? Is this some kind of a joke? I get it. Are you doing these things to me to make me give up on you and tell you that we need to break up? If you don’t want this relationship anymore just come and say it to my face!
Takaki loosened hi grip on the girl’s wrist as he pulled her in for a hug. Maimi’s tears started to run down her face.
TAKAKI: *whispers* Do you really need to exaggerate things? Okay, I’m sorry I’m late. I swear I would never make you wait again.
MAIMI: Gosh, I’ve been hearing that a couple of times already.
TAKAKI: Look Maimi. I think I don’t ever want to stop loving you. So what you were saying about me not wanting this relationship anymore is trash, okay? I don’t want you ever leave my side. I don’t think I can live with that. You know how mush I love you.
MAIMI: Why do you always say these pretty words every time we fight? You are the only person who makes me fall in love again every time we fight.
Takaki held Maimi’s hand and spun her around. She smiled and they both laughed.
TAKAKI: So will you come to the prom with me, my princess?
MAIMI: Of course, my prince.
TAKAKI: I love you, Yajima Maim.. Ahh… I meant Takaki Maimi..
MAIMI: I love you, too.
Maimi’s expression made Takaki want to kiss her. As Maimi leaned towards him, he held her closer and tighter.
As their lips touched, shivers ran down Takaki’s spine.
KOTA: Oy Takaki!!!!!!!
DAIKI: He can’t hear you Kota-kun.
KOTA: Oy Takaki!! You’re not the only one who’s hot, okay?! Don’t keep the aircon to yourself, please?!
DAIKI: Hmmm… Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Takaki-kun’s daydreaming about Maimi-chan again. Don’t forget, she’s already got Hikaru-kun.
TAKAKI: I know.. *sighs*
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